Friends of Archaeology and Heritage


Protecting and preserving archaeological sites in Jordan in cooperation with concerned Jordanian entities and local and international entities, highlighting the heritage in Jordan through supporting and encouraging publishing books, research and publications related to this issue, raising awareness among Jordanians, especially the younger generation, on the importance and value of the archaeological sites and the need to preserve them, supporting excavations and contributing to the restoration of antiquities in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities, municipalities and concerned entities.


  • Establishment Date: 1958
  • Members: 450 members
  • Branches: -
  • President: Sh. Nofa Nasser
  • Managing Board: Vice President : Maysoon Al Nahar
    Secretary: Fatma Marii
    Treasurer: Yazan Altal
    Members: Nihad Alshabar, Khawla Quosouss, Nahla salte, Ihsan Amer, Asem Abu Doleh.
  • Election Period: Tow Years
  • Last Election: 2017

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