Arab Academy for training of volunteers - Refada


- Enhancing the participation of young people in volunteering within private organizations.
- Promote the participation of women, youth and local and national associations to serve development programs.
- Holding training workshops necessary for the work of the company
- Training community members to volunteer work and skills necessary to increase the efficiency of volunteers.
- Accept donations internally and externally within the laws and regulations.
- Training and sensitizing the community to the culture of social entrepreneurship and volunteerism.
- Training the youth on how to implement voluntary initiatives to serve the Jordanian community.
- Possessing movable and immovable funds to carry out the objectives of the company.
- Conduct awareness sessions on promoting youth participation in development.
- Cooperating with official and non-official organizations, bodies and institutions in order to achieve the objectives of the company.
- Training in the preparation of strategic plans and preparation of projects.


  • Establishment Date: 2014
  • Members: Branch of Mafraq Governorate
  • Branches:
  • President: Firas Talal Abu Qttam
  • Managing Board:
  • Election Period:
  • Last Election:

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